Sunday, January 8, 2012

Play 60; A Healthy and Active Life

Fine, fit, and fun late president John F. Kennedy encouraged americans to get in shape and quit being soft! He wrote an article in Sports Illustrated when he was ignogorated into presidency in 1960. His efforts to getting americans in shape was mainly due to our national security. In 2010, retired generals, admirals, and civilian militiary leaders created a mission explaining americas constant decline in health and shape. They believe starting with young americans is the best way to build up a country with a strong military.

America’s current president, Barack Obama, has helped promote the Nation Football League’s (NFL) movement Play 60 for kids to be active for an hour a day to reverse childhood obesity.
"Our players recognize the value of staying healthy and it's important that young fans also understand the benefits of exercise. The NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said, NFL PLAY 60 is a significant tool in ensuring children get their necessary, daily physical activity.”-NFL Commissioner, John Goodell

Obama's wife, Michelle Obama has also made an effort to end childhood obesity by showing short clips on how to eat better on Disney Channel. She emphasizes on potion sizes, what to eat, and exercise. She said in USA Today that her busy life in Chicago led to her buy fast food often for dinner and thought her daughters were fine due to the way they appeared. However her doctor told her that her children were fluctuating in weight. Her goal? To end childhood obesity!  Around 32% of adolescents are obes; 25 million kids.
Michelle believes its not just the kids who need to be informed of the health risks of eating unhealthy and not exercising, but all of their family. There are over $147 billion weight-related medical bills each year.  


  1. This is similar to what I wrote my blog post about! I like how you tied in President Kennedy, saying that he believed that Americans should begin to get healthy. You had a really good transition to President Obama. I think Michelle is a good role model for kids to look up to because she is a high figure in society and she has kids of her own. I think if you added some more detail about the weight-related medical bills than it would not be so abrupt!

  2. I like your transition from past to present; talking about what JFK did in the 60's first, then going into the present. The 2 advertisement videos are good examples showing what America is doing to get kids to be more active. The last video is a nice conculsion to what you are talking about.

  3. I like the design of your blog, the layout works well with your pictures and details. I also like the amount of details you had which was complemented by two videos.
